
Reach the Peak with Our Martial Arts Classes for Beginners

A Beginners Martial Arts Program That Goes Above and Beyond!

Peak Martial Arts prides itself in its ability to take someone entirely new to martial arts and guide them towards Black Belt Excellence. We teach the Korean style of Soo Bahk Do, which is one of the best martial arts for beginners. Soo Bahk Do places great importance on building a strong foundation of core values and natural martial arts techniques.

Our beginner martial arts workouts are designed to not only teach self-defense, but also instill in our students self-discipline, self-confidence, and respect for self and others. Our high energy and engaging classes provide a great mixture of fun and tradition for all ages and skill levels. Our instructors are here to help our beginner martial artists Reach for the Peak of Success.

What to Expect From Martial Arts Classes for Beginners

Introductory Class

We start all of our students with a free karate lesson specifically tailored for beginners. During this one-on-one session with one of our certified instructors new students will learn the fundamentals of punching, kicking and martial arts discipline. For this first class we recommend new students wear comfortable athletic clothing. After new students have completed their introductory karate for beginners session they are then placed into our white belt class and receive their traditional Korean uniform.

White-Gold Belt Beginner Classes

Our 45 minute beginner martial arts workouts are full of high energy martial arts. During classes, our students:

  • Develop a basic understanding in Soo Bahk Do techniques
  • Develop their flexibility and coordination
  • Improve their self-discipline and confidence

We encourage our students to develop proper respect and manners. We also reward good behaviors like strong focus and following directions through our attitude stripe program. Students can earn stripes that are displayed on their belts. Stripes are earned both in classes and by bringing in school materials that demonstrate the key concepts of a martial artists.

Our introductory program lasts six months as students move from white to white-gold and finally gold belt before moving into our intermediate classes. You’ll be amazed at the improvements that your students will show both on and off the floor during their four year journey to Black Belt.

Why Soo Bahk Do is the Best Martial Arts for Beginners

Soo Bahk Do is a versatile style of martial arts that increases balance, flexibility, and overall fitness. Students develop a strong foundation of values that help them achieve excellence in their training and in life. Soo Bahk Do is the ideal martial arts because:


  • Utilization of natural movements makes learning easier
  • Curriculum is taught at a flexible pace to accommodate all skill levels
  • International network of instructors for support  

Ready to Start Your Journey to Black Belt Excellence?

As one of the best martial arts schools in Colorado, Peak Martial Arts is ready to take you from a basic white belt to a one of a kind Black Belt. With martial arts lessons for beginners 6 days a week, there’s nothing stopping you from Reaching for the Peak. Our awesome team of staff and highly-trained instructors are familiar with the needs of all types of students and families, and are ready to help you embark on your path towards Black Belt Excellence. If you are in search of excellent martial arts for beginners in the Thornton Northglenn, or Westminster area, you will find it at Peak Martial Arts!